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Github Ranking

Top 100 Stars in Groovy

Ranking Project Name Stars Forks Language Open Issues Description Last Commit
1 gradle 17425 4880 Groovy 2953 Adaptable, fast automation for all 2025-03-25T03:56:13Z
2 devops-resources 8883 2221 Groovy 10 DevOps resources - Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP 2024-07-12T09:40:46Z
3 rundeck 5719 935 Groovy 704 Enable Self-Service Operations: Give specific users access to your existing tools, services, and scripts 2025-03-24T22:34:12Z
4 pipeline-examples 4252 3533 Groovy 0 A collection of examples, tips and tricks and snippets of scripting for the Jenkins Pipeline plugin 2023-08-31T09:25:29Z
5 gradle_plugin_android_aspectjx 3952 576 Groovy 151 A Android gradle plugin that effects AspectJ on Android project and can hook methods in Kotlin, aar and jar file. 2021-09-15T07:40:48Z
6 fat-aar-android 3197 652 Groovy 155 A gradle plugin that merge dependencies into the final aar file works with AGP 3.+ 2024-07-25T12:51:00Z
7 nextflow 2885 673 Groovy 447 A DSL for data-driven computational pipelines 2025-03-24T10:46:42Z
8 SmartThingsPublic 2592 89406 Groovy 67 SmartThings open-source DeviceType Handlers and SmartApps code 2023-07-18T18:42:27Z
9 asgard 2229 402 Groovy 85 [Asgard is deprecated at Netflix. We use Spinnaker ( ).] Web interface for application deployments and cloud management in Amazon Web Services (AWS). Binary download: 2023-04-10T10:34:31Z
10 job-dsl-plugin 1910 829 Groovy 0 A Groovy DSL for Jenkins Jobs - Sweeeeet! 2025-03-24T16:43:47Z
11 bintray-release 1852 209 Groovy 0 A helper for releasing from gradle up to bintray 2022-02-11T06:01:47Z
12 protobuf-gradle-plugin 1791 276 Groovy 74 Protobuf Plugin for Gradle 2025-01-28T16:33:50Z
13 JenkinsPipelineUnit 1553 398 Groovy 99 Framework for unit testing Jenkins pipelines 2025-03-18T07:45:24Z
14 docker-nexus3 1490 574 Groovy 0 Dockerized version of Nexus Repo Manager 3 2025-03-18T15:11:57Z
15 sdk-manager-plugin 1409 133 Groovy 33 DEPRECATED Gradle plugin which downloads and manages your Android SDK. 2016-10-07T23:07:08Z
16 gradle-packer-plugin 1363 283 Groovy 2 Android渠道打包工具 2019-01-23T04:53:39Z
17 gradle-bintray-plugin 1278 198 Groovy 154 None 2021-01-15T07:39:45Z
18 build-time-tracker-plugin 1213 67 Groovy 20 Gradle plugin to continuously track and report your build times 2019-05-28T13:34:49Z
19 groovy-geb 1155 236 Groovy 5 Apache Geb: Very Groovy Browser Automation 2025-03-18T12:05:24Z
20 AndroidJunkCode 1153 258 Groovy 17 Android马甲包生成垃圾代码插件 2024-09-30T07:07:48Z
21 AutoRegister 1124 166 Groovy 12 基于字节码插桩,在Android中实现跨module自动注册的gradle插件,可用于模块解耦。已应用于ARouter和CC 2023-03-14T08:34:46Z
22 android-maven-gradle-plugin 1084 136 Groovy 28 Abandoned. This is now supported by the android build plugin: 2020-05-18T14:16:50Z
23 okcoin-leeks-reaper 1008 508 Groovy 9 OKCoin韭菜收割机 2017-02-08T08:27:40Z
24 buildstep 907 271 Groovy 10 Buildstep uses Docker and Buildpacks to build applications like Heroku 2018-06-11T16:57:09Z
25 jenkins-scripts 900 559 Groovy 2 Scripts in Groovy, shell, Ruby, Python, whatever for managing/interacting with Jenkins 2024-12-02T15:55:03Z
26 docker-registry-ui 893 148 Groovy 0 A web frontend/UI for easy private/local Docker Registry integration 2023-01-17T07:42:53Z
27 gradle-release 871 221 Groovy 132 gradle-release is a plugin for providing a Maven-like release process for projects using Gradle 2024-12-23T23:03:18Z
28 gradle-task-tree 870 57 Groovy 5 Gradle plugin that adds a ‘taskTree’ task that prints task dependency tree 2025-03-08T16:36:25Z
29 gradle-node-plugin 865 209 Groovy 173 Gradle plugin for integrating NodeJS in your build. :rocket: 2021-03-25T18:02:23Z
30 gradle-test-logger-plugin 859 38 Groovy 24 A Gradle plugin for printing beautiful logs on the console while running tests 2024-12-16T13:38:26Z
31 groovy-android-gradle-plugin 848 116 Groovy 5 A Gradle plugin to support the Groovy language for building Android apps 2020-03-23T17:05:12Z
32 ansible-role-jenkins 843 753 Groovy 4 Ansible Role - Jenkins CI 2025-01-30T03:39:35Z
33 docker-ci-tool-stack 818 599 Groovy 8 Docker Infrastructure via docker-compose (Jenkins, SonarQube, Nexus, GitLab, Selenium Grid) 2020-12-13T08:47:36Z
34 img-optimizer-gradle-plugin 789 101 Groovy 0 一款用于优化png图片的gradle插件,有效减少APK体积,支持极限压缩和无损压缩。 2022-02-21T12:34:52Z
35 okreplay 784 71 Groovy 19 📼 Record and replay OkHttp network interaction in your tests. 2022-08-29T06:31:17Z
36 spock-example 784 514 Groovy 1 Spock example specifications along with ready-to-go Gradle and Maven builds 2025-03-23T23:04:57Z
37 gradle-lint-plugin 777 89 Groovy 109 A pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns of misuse or deprecations in Gradle scripts. 2025-02-25T20:16:05Z
38 gogradle 773 93 Groovy 92 A Gradle Plugin Providing Full Support for Go 2021-10-11T18:44:58Z
39 docToolchain 766 237 Groovy 234 a AsciiDoc Toolchain for technical Software Documentation, focused on Software Architecture Documentation 2025-03-24T08:17:53Z
40 AppJoint 765 119 Groovy 15 🔧 Cross module Android development made easy! 2019-08-20T02:52:28Z
41 gradle-docker 749 161 Groovy 116 a Gradle plugin for orchestrating docker builds and pushes. 2025-03-23T03:27:20Z
42 plugins 731 13 Groovy 0 A set of Gradle plugins that greatly simplify project management / 一套极大简化项目管理的Gradle插件集 2025-03-23T03:15:03Z
43 thymeleaf-layout-dialect 726 112 Groovy 11 A dialect for Thymeleaf that lets you build layouts and reusable templates in order to improve code reuse 2025-02-02T00:08:37Z
44 awesome-groovy 723 103 Groovy 1 A curated list of awesome groovy libraries, frameworks and resources 2024-10-26T11:25:42Z
45 Tinker_imitator 721 105 Groovy 6 (UNMAINTAINED)微信热更新方案实践 2017-02-07T03:40:40Z
46 openboxes 707 438 Groovy 236 OpenBoxes is a supply chain management system designed to manage inventory and track stock movements for healthcare facilities. 2025-03-24T19:27:33Z
47 hibeaver 705 90 Groovy 14 HiBeaver is a gradle plugin for java byte code manipulation and AOP design by modifying project byte code during build of the package, or modifying byte code within Jar independently. 2022-12-27T04:05:31Z
48 lint-cleaner-plugin 702 107 Groovy 9 A Gradle Plugin that removes unused resources in Android projects. 2019-02-04T00:08:29Z
49 jenkins-scripts 690 416 Groovy 12 None 2025-02-10T13:05:41Z
50 Mess 689 110 Groovy 10 a gradle plugin for minifying activities, services, receivers, providers and custom view 2020-10-01T23:49:31Z
51 jmh-gradle-plugin 685 87 Groovy 82 Integrates the JMH benchmarking framework with Gradle 2025-02-28T06:20:39Z
52 gretty 654 172 Groovy 229 Advanced gradle plugin for running web-apps on jetty and tomcat. 2023-12-28T03:56:50Z
53 gradle-docker 647 140 Groovy 76 A Gradle plugin to build Docker images from the build script. 2020-08-20T11:48:11Z
54 awesome-kubernetes 634 130 Groovy 0 A curated list of awesome references collected since 2018. 2024-10-07T17:53:43Z
55 bigtop 631 521 Groovy 0 Bigtop is an Apache Foundation project for Infrastructure Engineers and Data Scientists looking for comprehensive packaging, testing, and configuration of the leading open source big data components. 2025-03-25T01:48:32Z
56 gradle-node-plugin 631 117 Groovy 80 Gradle plugin for integrating NodeJS in your build. :rocket: 2024-11-12T10:34:46Z
57 lazybones 615 100 Groovy 52 A simple project creation tool that uses packaged project templates. 2020-10-13T10:40:55Z
58 DevOps 610 77 Groovy 0 DevOps. Make the project development and release simpler, easier and more efficient. 2024-07-09T10:53:30Z
59 dict_uk 580 73 Groovy 33 Project to generate POS tag dictionary for Ukrainian language 2025-03-22T17:29:45Z
60 axion-release-plugin 576 160 Groovy 71 Gradle release & version management plugin. 2025-03-24T14:06:23Z
61 jacoco-android-gradle-plugin 562 110 Groovy 35 Gradle plugin that creates JaCoCo test reports for Android unit tests 2023-03-06T21:00:46Z
62 gradle-git 559 89 Groovy 0 Git plugin for Gradle 2018-10-05T00:29:26Z
63 pipeline-model-definition-plugin 559 251 Groovy 0 None 2025-03-24T18:18:02Z
64 SmartThings 546 1497 Groovy 1 None 2022-08-19T12:22:19Z
65 docker-registry-web 540 134 Groovy 41 Web UI for private docker registry v2 2022-02-08T08:42:02Z
66 font-mfizz 538 110 Groovy 44 Font Mfizz - Vector Icons for Technology and Software Geeks 2021-05-11T03:09:39Z
67 gradle-tomcat-plugin 529 122 Groovy 26 Gradle plugin supporting deployment of your web application to an embedded Tomcat web container 2023-10-12T23:21:35Z
68 gradle-jooq-plugin 522 80 Groovy 1 Gradle plugin that integrates jOOQ. 2025-03-14T07:00:54Z
69 glu 518 96 Groovy 73 Deployment Automation Platform 2016-03-08T11:31:57Z
70 grgit 517 93 Groovy 0 The Groovy way to use Git. 2024-10-05T19:24:49Z
71 android-cache-fix-gradle-plugin 498 51 Groovy 4 Gradle plugin that fixes Android build caching problems. 2025-03-25T03:00:19Z
72 betamax 469 131 Groovy 10 Betamax is a tool for mocking external HTTP resources such as web services and REST APIs in your tests. The project was inspired by the VCR library for Ruby. 2017-05-28T14:51:41Z
73 GradlePluginDevelop 464 32 Groovy 0 💍Gradle 执行流程、什么叫DSL、领域专用语言、Gradle常见用法、Gradle高级插件用法、Gradle对Android优化、结合Javassist使用给上一层楼以及Gradle开发中的遇到的问题 2019-01-20T05:54:24Z
74 gradle-xcodePlugin 462 127 Groovy 22 gradle plugin for building Xcode Projects for iOS, watchOS, macOS or tvOS 2024-10-11T10:33:01Z
75 skills-service 452 102 Groovy 167 SkillTree is a micro-learning gamification platform supporting the rapid integration of a gamified tool training approach into new and existing applications. 2025-03-21T18:33:41Z
76 jenkins-script-console-scripts 451 216 Groovy 0 A repository of one-off script console scripts for Jenkins. 2024-10-19T14:52:09Z
77 grails 449 72 Groovy 0 A powerful web application framework based on the Groovy language 2010-02-11T01:46:24Z
78 job-dsl-gradle-example 447 326 Groovy 13 An example Job DSL project that uses Gradle for building and testing. 2022-04-21T02:40:44Z
79 clouddriver 442 1037 Groovy 0 read and write operations across cloud providers 2025-03-24T18:07:51Z
80 fabric8-pipeline-library 436 209 Groovy 62 Fabric8 Pipeline for Jenkins 2024-04-09T23:45:53Z
81 drawable-optimizer 435 44 Groovy 4 Gradle plugin to optimize png files and reduce resultant apk size within an Android project. 2016-05-19T20:27:47Z
82 robolectric-gradle-plugin 421 63 Groovy 0 Gradle plugin for Robolectric. 2015-07-08T20:21:47Z
83 gradle-license-plugin 419 67 Groovy 18 Gradle plugin that provides a task to generate a HTML license report of your project. 2025-03-24T21:16:58Z
84 gradle-docker-compose-plugin 416 98 Groovy 24 Simplifies usage of Docker Compose for integration testing in Gradle environment. 2025-02-25T12:29:26Z
85 license-gradle-plugin 416 112 Groovy 81 Manage your license(s) 2023-08-26T20:46:58Z
86 gradle-android-plugin 405 96 Groovy 0 Android plugin for the Gradle build system. 2013-10-21T17:34:13Z
87 templates 403 1405 Groovy 1 Document templates for open-source projects (README, CONTRIBUTING, GitHub templates) 2023-10-10T20:21:48Z
88 gradle-static-analysis-plugin 403 27 Groovy 0 Easy setup of static analysis tools for Android and Java projects. 2022-02-11T05:57:36Z
89 badass-jlink-plugin 402 26 Groovy 27 Create a custom runtime image of your modular application 2025-03-10T09:48:06Z
90 groovy-wslite 401 116 Groovy 35 Lightweight SOAP and REST webservice clients for Groovy 2024-03-04T11:59:19Z
91 gradle-android-junit-jacoco-plugin 399 74 Groovy 22 Gradle plugin that generates JaCoCo reports from an Android Gradle Project 2024-01-03T02:50:03Z
92 gradle-git-version 395 76 Groovy 50 a Gradle plugin that uses git describe to produce a version string. 2025-03-23T03:26:21Z
93 nest-manager 393 2176 Groovy 79 NST Manager (SmartThings) 2021-08-22T04:39:21Z
94 android-gradle-study 389 57 Groovy 1 深入理解Android Gradle 2019-11-23T01:49:17Z
95 Android-Gradle-Examples 387 194 Groovy 0 None 2014-10-28T16:53:41Z
96 calces-gradle-plugin 383 47 Groovy 0 Android构建工具集:包含快速实现组件化构建脚本,快速实现屏幕最小宽度适配脚本 2021-02-03T07:53:33Z
97 gradle-unused-resources-remover-plugin 378 30 Groovy 18 Gradle Plugin that removes unused resources in Android projects. 2018-06-20T07:18:50Z
98 artifactory-user-plugins 374 471 Groovy 3 Sample Artifactory User Plugins 2025-03-17T07:46:01Z
99 dependency-check-gradle 370 95 Groovy 32 The dependency-check gradle plugin is a Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tool that allows projects to monitor dependent libraries for known, published vulnerabilities. 2025-03-24T12:13:28Z
100 gradle-ospackage-plugin 370 128 Groovy 76 Gradle plugin for constructing linux packages, specifically RPM and DEBs. 2025-02-25T20:16:07Z